"i have so much to give to the world, i just need my chance to shine"
"the past is something that should never be forgotten"
"manusia dituntut menjadikan dirinya sebagaimana mestinya untuk memenuhi takdirnya"
(Paul Tillich) #indonesian translate
"no doubt, we will become like what we imagine"
(Claude M Bristol)
"we do not dare to do something not because it is difficult, but we do not dare to do it so that it becomes difficult"
"fly to the moon, even if you fail to land on one of the stars"
(Les Brown)
"Allah tidak akan mengingkari janjinya, tetapi banyak manusia yang tidak mengetahuinya"
(taken from Q.S Arrum:6) #indonesian translate
"Logic will get us from A to B. Imagination will take us everywhere" (Albert Einstein)
"Because it all started from dream. make a dream but don't forget to wake up"
(Kinan VSP)
"as a human, i only do my best in my way. I believe that God makes the perfect plan"
(Kinan VSP)
just posted best quotes in my life. maybe it would be part 1. i'll continue it later "keep posting for better life"
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